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mars 19th, 2010  |  Posté Blog, Primo Piano  |  1 Comment de Redazione

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English et Italiano.

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  1. Katy says:

    mars 22nd, 2010 at 10:26 (#)

    From the letters page on Kenya’s Daily Nation:

    Save us from this Matatu madness
    Matatus plying some Nairobi routes are subjecting us to brutality and discomfort. Overloading has become the order of the day, even before the “watchful eye” of the traffic policemen. Safety measures of fitting the matatus with seat belts have been neglected. Speeding is rampant and matatu drivers do not bother to observe traffic lights. Loud music dominates and you can hardly communicate. Most of them have big screens, which mostly play dirty music. If you humbly ask the conductor or the driver to reduce the volume, the response is harsh and abusive language. All this is caused by a reluctance of the traffic police to work. Can the traffic commandant involved come in and save us from this matatu madness?

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