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Nausicaa Lab 2011-2012: the winners

6 mars 2012
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The winner of Nausicaa Lab 2011-2012 is Mon-key, a Cultural Business Idea by Elena Buscemi: a web platform for services to citizens and entrepreneurs through the valorisation of local culture and the multicultural integration. Mon-key obtained a score of 681.

Second place, with a score of 673, for Cultural Preservation, by Anwar Sunallah from Gaza City, Palestine, a mapping and documentation project for the preservation, valorization and study of the cultural heritage of Gaza strip.

Third place and a score of 525 for Marhaba Palestine, by Ayman Arandi, also from Palestine. This idea consists in a new handheld multimedia device, that provides visitors to Palestine with an easy to use tablet loaded with rich audio, video and text, in their native language – Arabic, English, German, French, and Spanish

Here are the other Cultural Business Ideas admitted to the competition, with their respective score:

4 Kian for cultural services, di Ahmed Hamed from Egypt – score: 624

5 Aljisser, by Zanouda Tahar, from Algeria – score: 594

6 Il Libro del Mondo, by Raffaele Boreca, from Italy – score: 514

7 The Music Factory, by Natalia Larovere e Enrico Presicci, from Italy – score: 506

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