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(Italiano) (English) Corporate Grassroots Agriculture

23 juin 2009
Posté Attualità, Society
de Katy Fentress

Désolé, cet article est seulement disponible en English.

7 Responses to “(Italiano) (English) Corporate Grassroots Agriculture”

  1. Jonathan dit :

    Perhaps a disclosure that you have been in the employ of Camec and White Nile (Agriterra) as a photographer for their operations in Sudan, DRC, Zimbabwe and Mozambique would be appropriate.

  2. Katy dit :

    Disclosure? You make it sound like I’ve got something to hide!
    In what way would this information have changed the argument in the article?

  3. Jonathan dit :

    Corporate spin.

    Your next trip to photograph camec’s operations in Mali might allow you to research the rise and demise of agriculture in west Africa. You’ll see smiling African faces there as well.

    Your employers (Phil Edmonds and Andrew Groves) are equally shy on disclosure – have a look at their dealings with Muller Conrad Rautenbach and Robert Mugabe. There are many, many articles by independent journalists going back to 2005.

  4. Katy dit :

    My next trip to Mali? How exciting! It’s the first I hear about it, so seeing that you seem to know more about my travels than I do, maybe you could let me know when I’m scheduled to leave!

    But seriously, you have failed to explain why having worked as a photographer for the company necessarily implies the article is corporate spin. On that note however, in future I shall make sure to include any such information so as not to give the impression it is something I wish not to disclose.

  5. Jonathan dit :

    Camec is not a company that reports its annual results with any alacrity but I imagine that they’ll get the glossy out sometime in October and if they choose to put a bit of spin on their bauxite « deposit » there, they’ll need some photos – keep your bags packed.

    Whilst covering Mozambique, you could travel further south to Massingir and have a look at the water usage from the dam and its effects on the peasant farmers there. The company involved is Bioenergy Africa, another Edmonds-Groves creation and run by a chap named Holtzhausen. He might even have a bushy beard and weathered face.

  6. Jonathan dit :

    If you didn’t see the Dispatches -Bankrolling Mugabe on Monday night, you might choose to view it here:

    This what your employers are up to all over Africa.

  7. Katy dit :

    Thank you for the link Jonathan. I was wondering if you would be interested in writing any articles for us here at the Tamarind. Why don’t you drop me an email so we can discuss this and maybe even some of the other interesting points that you have brought up?