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Lorenzo Kihlgren Grandi

kihlgrenLorenzo Kihlgren Grandi was born in Milan, from a Swedish father and an Italian mother. He studied International Relations at the University of Bologna, Sciences Po Paris, Istituto per gli Studi di Politica Internazionale in Milan, LUISS University in Rome and London School of Economics. Lorenzo is currently involved in a double doctorate, which takes place at École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris and at the LUISS University in Rome, where he is also working as teaching assistant in Sustainable Development and Migration Flows and in Techniques of International Negotiation. Lorenzo’s thesis, “Scope and challenges of the youth protest conveyed by art and culture”, benefits from his experience as founder and chairman of Il Tamarindo, an Italian NGO whose main goal consists in fostering the intercultural dialogue, with a focus on youth. Lorenzo has been the head of several activities promoted by Il Tamarindo, such as the NGO’s multilingual cultural magazine (, international meetings and seminars, concerts and exhibitions, artistic competitions, etc. Lorenzo gained his first professional experience at the European Commission in Brussels, UNESCO Culture Sector in Paris, the Italian Embassy in Tehran and Istituto Affari Internazionali. He is a member of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations Fellowship Program, the EXPO 2015 Youth Table and the Arab-European Young Leaders Forum.

