
Di Katy Fentress • 28 mag 2009 • Categoria:Cinema, Cultura • 3 Commenti

Ci spiace, ma questo articolo è disponibile soltanto in English.

Katy Fentress

Katy Fentress Born in Rome, to American academic parents, I attended Italian and International schools and spent time living in North Africa with my mother where I learned French. I have worked as a photographer since the age of 18 and as such have travelled to places like the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. I spent nine years living in the UK where I completed an MSc International Development and a BA in Anthropology. Although I have a keen interest in African politics and culture, I also have a well-rounded knowledge of UK current affairs, art and lifestyle.
| Tutti gli articoli di Katy Fentress

Commenti: 3 »

  1. This movie sounds promising. Do you know where the documentary is shown right now, or how it’s possible to get a dvd?

  2. Hi Andrea,
    Transvestites also Cry, has both a Facebook group (http://www.facebook.com/srch.php?nm=transvestites+cry&s=0&sid=62b43bbaa74ccb8a9f2acbe8ae5c7d9c#/group.php?gid=39423174186) and a Myspace page (http://www.myspace.com/transvestitesalsocry) in which each new screening is announced. I know that recently a French satellite television company bought the rights to the documentary and that it was aired last month but unfortunately I don’t know any further details.

  3. Thanks!
    I’ll check it out.

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